TTS for customer service is a helpful addition to your support team.

Text-To-Speech (or TTS) For Customer Service

Excellent customer service is a balancing act. Customers are looking for solutions to their problems. Companies are looking for consistency and reliability, aiming for every customer service interaction to go as smoothly as possible. However, nailing TTS for customer service requires a money and resources, and many brands are turning to AI technology for more creative, cost-efficient, and high-quality solutions to serve their customers.

For many brands, a fully-staffed customer service team is not feasible from a finance or resource standpoint. It’s extremely expensive to staff customer service teams around the clock, train them, and ensure they strike the right tone to represent a brand in diverse customer interactions.That’s why, in recent years, many companies have looked to non-human solutions. In fact, over 85% of customer interactions are without a living, breathing agent involved.

In place of live customer support agents, some businesses have installed automated systems to deliver pre-loaded responses based on the most common customer service queries. However, menu systems are not always adequate when complex answers are required, which leads to less than stellar customer satisfaction. (We can all picture someone yelling angrily into a phone at a maddeningly robotic autoresponder.) These limitations are why many brands are moving towards more advanced solutions like realistic text-to-speech. 

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